My scrap bins are totally full though! so much so that I've started using a cardboard box to throw scraps in under my sewing table. My scraps are fairly small, anything that is remotely foldable I keep on my fabric shelf. I have these 4 Ikea bins that hold all my scraps in the closet. From top to bottom I organize by color: neutrals/low volume, blues/purples, reds/oranges and greens/yellows.

So along the same lines as my Baby Butterflies quilt I've started a quilt to hopefully use some of those scraps up. I think I'm going to go with a layout inspired by this one.

I'm using 7" squares and just randomly piecing scraps to two opposite corners.
I hope it uses up a lot of scraps!
That are a lot of scraps. I'd be happy if I had so many scraps. Not that I use them a lot but I'd love the variety. Recently I pulled my scrap bags to search for scraps I could use for a hexagon project. It was fun.
i have so many scrap projects going but i never seem to use them up. i swear they multiply while i'm sleeping.
Cute cute. I'm thinking you may have to go king size to make much if a dent. no pressure......
It'll be great!
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