We are getting to the home stretch in unpacking thankfully! Here are a few sneak peeks of our new home.

Every time I think I'm getting down to the last few boxes more seem to appear!

This is the small third bedroom that will be the office/sewing room. I have all my fabric and sewing things unpacked but there are still a bunch of boxes with office stuff that are in my way. I wish they would magically disappear so I can get to sewing!
*can I just say how disoriented I am with the new Flickr right now? Ugh!*
Oh and my hubby and I went to Hawaii for a week to celebrate our 10th anniversary early! We had enough AA miles but had to use them in May (our anniversary is actually in June) but hey, it was fine with me!

It was absolute paradise! We stayed on the northern coast of the big island which I highly recommend!

We also drove up Mauna Kea, the mountain where all the observatories are. At 13,800 feet it's not the tallest mountain ever but it sure feels like it when you're starting up it from sea level! It felt like we were on top of the world.

The waters were crystal clear for snorkling, the beach we stayed on was amazing, the sand was so soft and we had a wonderful time! What more could you ask for?

It was just what we needed to relax and unwind. Back to reality [and unpacking] now. :)
What a fantastic trip! We are going to Kona in October and I cannot wait!
The trip sounds amazing. Hopefully you can get through those boxes soon and get back to sewing. I've clicked "mark all read" in my reader several times, and it feels painful at the time but ends up being so much better, not feeling overwhelmed.
Congrats on the new digs!!
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