Last night, on impulse, I started a new baby quilt. I've had my eye on Hoosier Toni's Star Flare tutorial and took a look through my stash to see what I could use. I found a yard of some Indian Summer fabric and went from there.
This morning I popped over to a local quilt shop to get enough fabric for the outer ring and just finished it up.
I've never made such large half square triangles before!

Just need a backing now.

So, I've made the switch to Aurifil threads (I've used Gutermann up to this point). Unless you've been living under a rock you may have noticed that it's all the rage now. I was skeptical at first as to whether it was really worth it or not so I ordered a few spools of the 50wt to give it a try. The first thing I noticed was a little less lint and my bobbin was lasting a lot longer! I found an online shop that has it at a great price and after all things considered it's only a tiny bit more than buying Gutermann from JoAnns with a coupon. It's probably cheaper when you get a cone (I'm not doing the exact math on this!) and it's really convenient when you use a TON of thread. Plus, since I sell most of my quilts I feel good knowing I'm using high quality thread.

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
Your quilt is super cool! Looking forward to seeing it continue to come together.
I've bought Aurifil from that shop before too. They're great. And per yard, at least for me, the Aurifil is actually cheaper than Gutermann that I buy locally. Go figure.
I use Aurifil for piecing and quilting : ) Love the fact that I can piece for half a day on a bobbin. Your quilt is very cute. Was it fiddly keeping the directional fabric the right way?
i'm totally with you on the aurifil. it's my favorite thread and i buy it on cones too.
Oh, I love your version in prints! I can't wait to see how you finish it. I just finished my first spool of Aurifil and I was so sad to see it go! I was skeptical at first, too, but now that I'm back to Gutermann it just isn't the same. I'll have to get some from that shop since I don't have any locally. Thanks for the link!
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