This was an absolutely lovely thing to knit! Not too complicated at all but just the right level of complexity to make it interesting. It came out a bit smaller than I had envisioned but it really is the perfect size for a scarf which is what I will use it for.

It definitely looks more complicated that it is (a lot of bang for your buck) which is just how I like it. Details on Ravelry.

Now, the question is, what do I knit next? Thanks to JuicyKnits I am absolutely enthralled with Paulie at the moment. But realistically, do I have the attention span and the dedication to make a cardigan in fingerling weight yarn (which I've never done before)? Yikes, I can just see myself getting bogged down in the sleeves. Seems a bit risky. Nothing else is catching my eye though and I would more likely wear something knit in a finer gauge, maybe that would keep me going.
P.S. Thanks to those who have so generously bought raffle tickets! The drawing is tomorrow evening so there is still time for anyone else who wants in!
oh emily! it is so pretty! i wish i knew how to knit!
Love the scarf, so pretty!!
I have Paulie OTN and it is slow going, but I think it will be worth it when it's done. It will make a great spring sweater if I can get it done in the next month, if not, it will be great for fall... ;-)
I keep telling myself that I'll get loads of wear out of it, so I keep going. :D
lovely shawl!
maybe you could start with the sleeves first. i've done that a time or two.
I love the yarn and the edging of the shawl is beautiful! It is knitted beautifully as always! Personally, I think it's best to make smaller shawl as they have more chances to be worn as a scarf (at least in my case!) Beautiful! First time I notice Paulie! Very wearable! I look forward to see what you will decide ;-)
Very pretty! I love the colors.
Absolutely love the scarf, and I think it's a big thumbs up for Paulie.....you should give it a try!
I was also apprehensive about a project as time consuming as a cardigan in fingering weight, but it is so much fun to watch it grow, and a great big feeling of accomplishment, especially if it's a cardi that is so wearable.
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