
Friday, February 06, 2015

inspiration overload

Well January went by fast!
I'm in the midst of finishing up a few little baby quilts right now and have been trying to plan my next project. I actually started to feel a little "stuck". There is just so much inspiration out there and lots of patterns and fabrics I want to try that I don't know which way to go! My Pinterest board for quilt inspiration has been growing like crazy the last few weeks. So has my Flickr favs.

Yesterday, I wrote down a list of quilts I want to make and what fabrics I want to use, etc.
Here are a couple of things that are on my definite to-do list:
  • Fancy Fox pillow for my son!
  • A Pacific Crest quilt from Beyond Neutral book (downloaded it on the iPad a few weeks ago; love lots of the designs in it!)
  • and lastly, I am wild about this fabric combo: 
Wild and Free plaid
Not a 100% sure what pattern I'll use yet but I just love the bright red against the Essex Yarn-dyed Black again the Wild and Free plaid fabric. Maybe add a little mustard in too.

Does this ever happen to you? You're all ready to sew and make something but you just don't know what to start with?


  1. Yes...all the time! I seem to spend more time thinking about what I want to make than actually sewing!

  2. I know! Sensory overload. I think I like your Flickr favs more than my own ; )
