
Saturday, January 19, 2013


Hello! I've been down with a stubborn cold ALL week (still have a fuzzy head but I think I'm getting better). So I've done no sewing lately and I'm *this* close to having a new quilt top finished, can't wait to show you!

What I have been doing is slowly and steadily working on my cross stitch!
Woodlands Sampler
It was slow going when I first started on the frame. It's been so long since I've cross stitched and I was completely clueless doing it on the linen. But thanks to a browse on the internet I made sure I was going about it the correct way and eventually got the hang of it. Love how this came out!


  1. This looks pretty! Get well soon.

  2. I hope you are feeling 100% good now! The little deers are really cute!

  3. So cute! one day I'll be brave enough to try linen!

  4. Adorable! I haven't done cross stitch since I was a kid, and because of that, it was never that neat!

  5. So cute! I ordered the pattern after seeing it on your blog. My floss & linen hasn't arrived yet, so I'll have some catching up to do!
