
Tuesday, May 01, 2012

long term project

I'm still plugging away very slowly on my Farmer's Wife Sampler Quilt. Even though the blocks are pretty time consuming, I really enjoy working on a block here and there when I need something small to focus on between the big projects.
Here are the most recent blocks I've made:
#15 Buzzard's Roost

#80 Single Wedding Star
#80 Single Wedding Star

#7 Birds in the Air
#7 Birds in the Air

#14 Butterfly at the Crossroads
#14 Butterfly at the Crossroads

16 blocks complete
So these are the 16 blocks that I've completed so far! These 6" blocks look so much smaller in person. I've got a long way to go. I'm going "scrappy" with my color scheme but you can definitely tell which colors I'm drawn to (hello orange!).


  1. Very cute. I love scrap quilts.

  2. I LOVE the birds in the air block and the fabric you chose.

  3. i love the planes. your blocks look so fabulous together.

  4. i am really impressed with you! these blocks are all so great and i know how tiny the templates are. good job! i killed my farmers wife a while ago! ;)

  5. They are looking fabulous! I really like the one with the airplane fabric!

  6. Very pretty so far! It would be difficult to choose a favorite square!

  7. I agree with everyone else on the airplane fabric. Where is it from?

  8. Your version of "birds in the air" is AMAZING! Well, actually, ALL your FW blocks are wonderful. I can't wait to see more :)
