
Thursday, May 19, 2011

new little camera

A week and a half ago we went on a short notice "vacation" to Washington DC. My husband had to go up there for business for two weeks and they offered to fly me and Jack up for a long weekend to be with him. We had a fantastic time even though Jack came down with a mild fever/cold the day we left. We got to see some sights although only briefly since anyone who has a toddler knows you can't stop to smell the roses for even a minute. hahah!

In preparation for our trip I wanted to get a small point-and-shoot digital camera since I knew it would be too much to carry our bulky SLR while trying to wrangle a toddler.

Of course I had to make a cozy for it! I used the Camera Cozy tutorial on SewMamaSew. Since this camera is pretty small I shortened the length by a couple of inches for a snug fit.
Camera Cozy

For the outer fabric, I used Roses in Gold from Heather Ross' Far, Far Away 2 collection. The lining is some Hope Valley by Denyse Schmidt. I also used a double layer of batting for extra cushioning.
Camera Cozy
The camera is a Sony which shoots pretty good pictures and makes HD videos. Now, if only I could figure out how to get them onto the computer!

The trip definitely had some great down time for knitting. This is still my Effortless Cardigan. I'm using Knit Picks interchangeable needles and I'm having the worst time trying to keep them screwed in tight at the joints! Does anyone else have this problem and is it normal? This is my first pair of interchangeable needles so I don't know. It's pretty annoying.


  1. I've been using the KP interchangeables pretty exclusively for a while, and once in a great while I'll have a tip that wants to come unscrewed repeatedly. I find that using another tip (of the same size) usually does the trick. The QC is decent, but not great, and sometimes the bits don't fit together 100%. But KP has been great about replacing problems parts, if you wanted to go that route.

  2. dumb question, but did you tighten the joins with the key?

  3. Anonymous4:17 PM

    Your camera cozy looks great. I have used that tutorial to make a slightly larger one for my gps!

    I think that the problem with the knitpicks needles is pretty typical :(

  4. Great little camera case!

    I had the same problem with the KP interchangeable needles. I also have Addi Lock and that isn't a problem with those.

  5. I sometimes have that problem with my KP interchangeables, but it occurs only with some needles, so I'm not put off by it yet. I just try to tighten the joints after each row and carry on like that.

  6. I'm going to second knotty gnome, and say that it is crucial that you that little key that comes with your set. It looks like a little needle thing with a loop at that end. You stick it in the little hole at the base, and use it for leverage while you twist the needle tip on. That should make it nice and snug! Once I figured that out, I haven't had my needles come undone while knitting at all.

  7. I agree with Devin, about using the key. I use KP also, but I have the wood needle set. Every once in a while, I have a loose one, but the key is very helpful.

  8. Same here! When I first got my KP interchangeables I wasn't using the key (honestly, I wasn't sure how to use it at first) and they kept coming loose. Once I realized how it worked, and now use the key to tighten them, I almost never have problems and absolutely LOVE my needles. I use them almost exclusively. BUT, if you really do discover you have a bad part, KP has great customer service and they sent me a replacement part in the past for free.
    Good luck with yours! - Disentanlged

  9. Very cute case! Sometimes my interchangeables unscrew, but only after using them for quite a while. So as long as I check every once and a while I haven't had any major issues!

  10. So this is a potential silly question, I also have the KP interchangeables and I too get the occasional loose needle tip. I think I'm using the key correctly but can someone else explain what YOU (those who find it helpful) do with it?

  11. Anonymous11:27 AM

    I have this problem if I try and tighten the join with just my hands. You must use the key or a safety pin tip will work. Turn it as tight as you can and so far, I haven't had them come undone doing it this way.

  12. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Hi! I started keeping one of those rubber textured jar grippers in my KP bag to grip the needle so that, in combination with the key, I can get a very tight join. I have to use the gripper & key to unscrew the needle as well. It's worked great for me!
